Rijeke ljudi pomiješanih osjećanja isticale su kao pijesak pješčanog sata sa stadiona Mlakve. Koliko su ponijeli sa proslave jednog stogodišnjaka iskreno ne znam. Ja sam ponio mnogo. Jedno veliko zadovoljstvo jer sam prvi put bio na ...
A side business I run is in real estate. Properties are across the board. Upper B class houses/duplexes, down to very low C class apartments. Through my experience with the many people I meet and get to know in my day to day life in this .... 08.1933 in village Mlakva in Kupres municipality, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Anica has 3 tattooed crosses on one hand and 4 dots near the thumb on left hand: My sister Ruža tattooed the first cross, Marica the second when I was about 7 ...